E-government portal
The latest technology and digital solutions are rapidly transforming government into an e-government system. Now the government is engaged in document management and the creation of e-invoices, online payment tools, etc. it uses software solutions that improve the lives of citizens while increasing government transparency. iTech Group provides mechanisms, products, solutions and services that ensure interaction between government and citizens (G2C), business organizations (G2B) and government agencies (G2G) using a wide range of modern IT resources.

iTech Group's mission is to optimize and integrate technologies by providing the best IT project development services for the government. We provide new solutions to modernize public services and ways of communicating with citizens. We strive to be the best service provider in the field of public IT projects in Azerbaijan by providing reliable and versatile solutions.
+994 12 3101414
+994 51 2060960
Baku, Azerbaijan
Azadlig ave., 192E

Photo and video materials belong to iTech Group.

iTech Group 2024